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When a client is unhappy with several aspects of their life or have one overriding problem, I suggest we start off looking at the big picture – a pie chart consisting of 8 or so aspects of their life: HOME, WORK, FINANCES, etc and establish with each one “this is how it is/this is how I ideally want it to be”: what does work, what can be tweaked a little to work better, what needs a big change and I help the client to set goals and to come up with ways of achieving them. During this process we see where self-limiting beliefs are preventing the client from making the big changes they want. The next step would be working on the negative beliefs in PSYCH-K®  while following up on progress in all areas of life, as all improvements affect the whole.


Where:  Sessions are primarily held ONLINE: Zoom or WhatsApp video, but I do see local clients in person (details given on enquiry)


Payment:   Rates will be sent by email or WhatsApp on request


Duration:   90 minutes first session, 60 minutes per session thereafter.


When a client seems unable to change something in their life, there is a self-limiting belief buried in their subconscious that needs to be excavated and changed.

After discussing the problem thoroughly and establishing the core belief, the client – with my guidance, using simple but effective PSYCH-K®  processes - switches the existing belief to the desired belief.  Often there are several beliefs that support the primary one and we can usually work on 2 in a session and a second PSYCH-K®  session may be required to completely release it. Releasing these negative beliefs that they’ve probably had most of their lives enables clients to move forward in that particular area of life.





Where:   Sessions are primarily held online: Zoom or WhatsApp video, or in person in Hermanus – Western Cape - details given on enquiry


Duration:  1st session with a new client 90 minutes, thereafter 60 minutes per session


Payment:   Rates will be sent by email or WhatsApp on request


When a client has suffered trauma in their lives, whether great or small, the beliefs associated with these memories are stored in their subconscious, with their understanding of the events based on their age and perspective, but not always remembered consciously. They form a part of our subconscious programming and can affect our lives greatly in the form of poor self-esteem, negative beliefs, unwanted behavior, fears, phobias, addictions etc.

I help clients enter a natural, extremely relaxed, Alpha or Theta state, where their minds are clear and focused inwards to access the subconscious mind. We identify the original cause of the belief, bring new understanding to the memory, embed positive beliefs and suggestions in their place. This can be very empowering for the client as they see the original wounding event from their wiser, adult perception and can usually accept, forgive, let go and move on.


Where:    A: Online or in person, followed by B: in person only, in Hermanus, W. Cape, South Africa


Duration:    A: 30 minute discussion online or in person, followed 5 – 10 days later by B:  60 minute session in person only


Payment:    Rates will be sent by email or WhatsApp on request

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